Friday, March 1, 2013

1 Week into the NB System

Well, I have reached the end of the first week of using the Noogleberry Breast Enhancement System.  The first week was very easy as I work from home and have time to "noogle" any time before my 17 year old gets home from school.  I tried both the aero and hydronoogling methods and found that the hydronoogling seems to create a more consistent vacuum with more comfort. I am also using a gauged pump and found that keeping the pressure at 5 keeps the pull consistent.  So, here are my sessions for the last week:

2/21:  Received the noogleberry, ripped open box, and immediately delved into the first session.  The instructions recommend the pump and release method to begin with up to 45 min to begin with.  I didn't follow the instructions.  I used the pump and hold method for 1 hour,  2x that day with no real comfort issues.  I tried this because I have some good elasticity in my breast from breastfeeding.  My beginning measurements are:

Underbust: 28"
Bustline: 30"
Overbust: 30"

2/22:  Noogled 3x at 1 hour intervals and got some good swelling, lasting for about 45 min. I'm using baby oil to create suction.

2/23: Hydronoogled for the first time and got my nipples to touch the end of cups and swelling maintained for over 2 hours.

2/24:  Started using leftover breast enhancement blend from Greenbush for the massage techniques started today.  Smells bad, but hey, if it works... Aero noogled only since I was using the enhancement blend.

2/25:  Massaged for 5 min with the enhancement blend and aero noogled for 1 hour first session and 1-1/2 hours second session.

2/26: Massaged for 5 min and hydronoogled for 1 hour, nipples touched end of cup.  Seem to get better results with the hydronoogling.  Can be a little messy though. Also incorporated the pump and release method with this session. Wondering how can I get the tops of my breast to enlarge along the measurements on the cup.  They are consistently at the 2 cm mark.

2/27: I did not noogle all day, had a full day.  So, before I went to bed I thought maybe I would try "snoogling".  I was only able to make it 2-1/2 hours before I had to take them off.  I needed sleep.  Obviously, this was an aero noogle and as soon as I took the cups off, my breasts deflated quickly.  I was a little disappointed since I had left them on for so long.  But, like so many have said, it is not about swelling.  I just like the feel of having SOMETHING soft there.  LOL.

2/28:  Today I did not massage before hydronoogling, was being lazy.  I noogled for 1-1/2 hours and took measurements after.  My after measurements are as follows:

Underbust: 29"
Across Breast: 32"
Overbust: 32"

So, if you look at my beginning measurements, my breasts swelled an inch plus in all directions.  Pretty nice, wish I could keep that and build on it.  But, slow and steady wins the race.

I'm contemplating adding Greenbush's herbal supplements into this process, but I may wait until I have reached at least a month so I can clearly see what is working.  Not forgetting that diet is also important.  I have been eating lots of phytoestrogen rich foods like avacados, lightly steamed green beans, blueberries, raspberries, rye bread (which I love), and ground flax seed.  Here is a list of some other phytoestrogen rich foods, soy being very high on the list, but I can't stand soy anything.

Alfalfa sprouts, almonds, blueberries, chestnuts, coffee, corn, dried apricots, dried dates, flax bread, flax seed, garlic, green beans, hummus, multigrain bread, mung bean sprouts, olive oil, onions, peanuts, sesame seeds, soybeans, soy milk, soy yogurt, sunflower seeds, tofu, watermelon, cow's milk, black licorice, rye bread, broccoli, cabbage, cashews, collards, dried prunes, garlic, green beans, hazelnuts, lentils, peaches, pistachios, raspberries, soybean sprouts, black and green tea, walnuts, watermelon, red wine, white wine and winter squash. You can also find phytoestrogens from the consumption of legumes, chickpeas, fennel, carrots, asparagus, parsley, celery, wheat, corn, red clover, hops and oats.

Friday, February 22, 2013

About the Blogger

Okay, all of my Bigger Booby Seekers (BBS), this blog is all about finding the best method to naturally increase those wonderful assets of ours.  Being that I am all about natural beauty, only these methods will be discussed.  I welcome you all to contribute as no one person has all the answers. 

I have always been small breasted or should I say no breasted!  I swear no one's boobs are smaller than mine.  Being very thin, weighing only 96 lbs throughout high school until my first pregnancy, I was as flat as a wall, hence my blogger name.  I found myself doing the things prepubescent girls do to keep up with the other girls by stuffing my bra.  Thank goodness I never had the tissue falling out incident, but everyone new they were fake now that I look back on it.  As girls, we didn't think about the slow progression of growth that boobs take.  We wanted them yesterday, so we stuffed and went from flat to a small A cup in one day!  Thinking back, I can only laugh at the naivety of it all.

At 17 ( I'm 35 now), I had my first child.  The milk came, the boobs got large, I got happy!  I found that having small or non-existent breasts does not mean you can't breastfeed.  I went from a 30AAA to a 34C in a matter of days.  You can't imagine the joy I felt being able to wear those shirts I've never been able to. The cleavage was so great I wore low cut shirts every time I got a chance, only to have them deflate one year later after discontinuing breastfeeding.  I thought, throughout that year, that I would at least retain something.  But my body said NOPE!  So, back to the a-wal.  After having my 2nd child and having the same experience I started to research other methods.  I tried herbal supplements, which was the big thing then. Having no success there, I started doing pectoral exercises hoping to at least build up the muscle and make them appear larger.  Finally, I just accepted that I would never have breasts unless I had implants.  That was just not an option, nor could I afford it if I did want to.  So, I resigned to buying bras that pushed up what little there were, and feeling like less of a woman because of it.  I hated and still hate shopping for bras as my size is not carried in most department stores. 

At age 30, I decided to start over in my research, hoping that advancements in technology would be in my favor.  I found some interesting information.  In France, they had something like the Brava system that was providing promising results.  Unfortunately, it was not available in the US and it was very expensive.  That was the first I had heard of vacuum technology for breast enhancement.  I so wanted to try it.  By age 32, I found out about natural augmentation or fat transfer.  That got me all excited, except I didn't have much fat weighing around 125 lbs at 5'6".  So, striking that out of my available options, I went back to herbs.  Greenbush had many testimonials from real women with whom I communicated with who had success using their blends.  I'm not one to stick to a pill regiment for any extended period of time, but I ordered them anyways.  After about 1 month, I noticed my breast were more full, so I continued for the remaining two months with the addition of twice daily chi massages with the enhancement blends.  After 3 months, no more fullness, I was back to square one.  I'm not normally one to give up, but I just didn't want to continue taking pills.  Still wanting to try the Brava System which was seemingly effective, but expensive, I started looking for similar systems at a cheaper price.  That is when I stumbled upon Noogleberry.  I lurked around the forums for almost 9 months reading the good and the bad stories, tips, do's and don'ts, and most importantly the results of others' journeys.  The great thing about this forum that set them apart is that they are REAL women on the same journey.  The women post real pics of before and after results and they were amazing.  Women like myself who had little or nothing were now full B cups and beyond.  And so, still wanting bigger boobies, I have now ordered the system and began on the "noogling" adventure.  This blog will chronicle any successes and failures in an honest review of the system.  I want to give my own account so that other women can judge independently for themselves as well as offer hope to those who do not want to undergo the knife.

If there are any that want to share their journey, please feel free to send your story.  For others, follow me on this quest to fill out that fabulous low v-cut dress that so eludes me.